Our Story

SMS Team / December 7, 2021

We welcome and encourage our team to be par with the knowledge and technology advancement, expanding skillsets and creating a competitive edge in staying ahead of the industry’s demands. This will assist them to grow beyond their current portfolio and have a brighter outlook on career progression.

“After working with data for a few years as an advanced Excel user, I decided to upskill and work towards becoming a qualified data scientist. I started self-studying my second BSc (Honours) degree in Data Science just prior to joining the SMS R&D team in 2019. This degree gives me everything I am passionate about - mathematics, statistics, data analysis, data modelling, and programming.

I am currently mid-way through the modules so far achieving the majority with distinction and studying Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence along with Analysing Data via statistical approach.

There are always opportunities in SMS to utilise my skills and broaden my experience, the support is there when needed. I look forward to completing my degree and employing the acquired knowledge and skills to help SMS solve business problems in practice.”

Shaun Miller
R&D Project Engineer