Real-time Sediment Management: No More Shutdowns or Lab Delays

SMS Team / November 7, 2023

As pioneers in sand and solids management, we specialise in providing solutions to accurately capture and continuously monitor a wide range of sediment particle sizes within your pipelines, even those that might have previously gone undetected. Whether you’re dealing with liquid or multiphase conditions, we have the right solutions to your sediment’s challenges. We have the capability to accomplish this in real-time without the need for shutting in your well or the long process of sending samples to a laboratory for analysis, thereby ensuring the seamless and uninterrupted flow of your operations. Our solution is designed to measure sediments spanning from particles as small as 2 microns to as large as 20,000 microns, offering a comprehensive solution for your sediment monitoring needs. If you're unsure about the best fit for your specific requirements or would like a customised solution, we're here to assist you.

