SMS Team / September 12, 2024
Did you know that our gas analyser technology not only measures extreme levels of H2S and CO2 but also accurately tracks C1-C5 hydrocarbons with ±0.5% Specific Gravity (SG) in real-time? These measurements can be seamlessly integrated into your well service acquisition system, enhancing your understanding of well characteristics while significantly improving site safety and reducing project costs.
The traditional practice of manually collecting gas samples in a safe area cabin to measure SG spot readings can compromise both sample quality and personal safety. Instead, keep the hazardous process outside with our automated, closed-loop system.
This solution seamlessly integrates with our comprehensive monitoring tools, including ultrasonic flow metering, sand monitoring and wall thickness measurements. All data is streamed in real-time, safely and continuously, enabling you to focus on maximising well productivity. Embrace the future of well site gas analytics today.